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Breaking Story:
Gettysburg College through its action condones homosexual Allies
at Gettysburg College organization and homosexual mind set on campus.
Words of Pope John Paul II
Vatican City
Practices are Sin"
"There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law. Homosexual acts close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved." "Sacred Scripture condemns homosexual acts "as a serious depravity... (cf. Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10). This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered”. This same moral judgment is found in many Christian writers of the first centuries. The homosexual inclination is however “objectively disordered” and homosexual practices are sins." U.S. Corrects 'Southern Bias' at Civil War SitesReuters -- Posted on Sun, Dec. 22, 2002 GETTYSBURG, Pa. - The U.S. National Park Service has embarked on an effort to change its interpretive materials at major Civil War battlefields to get rid of a Southern bias and emphasize the horrors of slavery. Nowhere is the project more striking than at Gettysburg, site of the largest battle ever fought on American soil, where plans are going ahead to build a new visitors center and museum at a cost of $95 million that will completely change the way the conflict is presented to visitors. "For the past 100 years, we've been presenting this battlefield as the high watermark of the Confederacy and focusing on the personal valor of the soldiers who fought here," said Gettysburg Park Superintendent John Latschar. "We want to change the perception so that Gettysburg becomes known internationally as the place of a 'new rebirth of freedom,'" he said, quoting President Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" made on Nov. 19, 1863, five months after the battle. "We want to get away from the traditional descriptions of who shot whom, where and into discussions of why they were shooting one another," Latschar said. The project seems particularly relevant following the furor over Republican Sen. Trent Lott's recent remarks seeming to endorse racial segregation, which forced many Americans to revisit one of the uglier chapters of the nation's history. When it opens in 2006, the new museum will offer visitors a narrative of the entire Civil War, putting the battle into its larger historical context. Latschar said he was inspired by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., which sets out to tell a story rather than to display historical artifacts behind glass cases. "Our current museum is absolutely abysmal. It tells no story. It's a curator's museum with no rhyme or reason," Latschar said. It is also failing to preserve the 700,000 items in its collection, including 350,000 maps, documents and photographs, many of which were rotting away or crumbling into dust until they were put into temporary storage. FEW BLACKS VISIT Around 1.8 million people visit Gettysburg every year. Latschar said a disproportionate number were men and the park attracts very few black visitors. In 1998, he invited three prominent historians to examine the site. Their conclusion: that Gettysburg's interpretive programs had a "pervasive southern sympathy." The same was true at most if not all of the 28 Civil War sites operated by the National Parks Service. A report to Congress delivered in March 2000 found that only nine did an adequate job of addressing slavery in their exhibits. Another six, including Gettysburg, gave it a cursory mention. The rest did not mention it at all. Most parks are now trying to correct the situation. Park rangers and licensed guides at Gettysburg and other sites have already changed their presentations in line with the new policy. Now, park authorities are taking a look at brochures, handouts and roadside signs. According to Dwight Pitcaithley, chief historian of the National Park Service, the South had tremendous success in promoting its "lost cause" theory. The theory rested on three propositions: that the war was fought over "states' rights" and not over slavery; that there was no dishonor in defeat since the Confederacy lost only because it was overwhelmed by the richer north; and that slavery was a benign institution and most slaves were content with their lot and faithful to their masters. "Much of the public conversation today about the Civil War and its meaning for contemporary society is shaped by structured forgetting and wishful thinking" he said. [END OF REUTERS NEWS AGENCY STORY] Nov. 23, 2004
We received new pictures of President Katherine and will post on website. Pictures continue
to come from students at Gettysburg College.
Oct. 25, 2004
We believe Katherine H. Will, President of Gettysburg College, directed lawyers (NcNees, Wallace
and Nurick, LLC of Harrisburg, Pa.) to threaten court action -- a lawsuit against this website -- to threaten retaliation
if her photograph next to John Sims, a homosexual student in drag and the lynched Confederate Flag, was not removed from this
- Free speech and expression is ok for me but not for you -
A quote from Katherine H. Will
"As President of Gettysburg College, I affirm clearly and strongly
our collective commitment to freedom of expression and artistic integrity." Freedom of expression - Freedom
of Speech.
Oct 27, 2004
GettysburgBoycott.com website contemplates a President Katherine
H. Will, Gettysburg student photo contest for best picture of Katherine H. Will. Responses from Gettysburg College students
express excitement and enthusiasm for the contest.
Oct. 19, 2004
After desecrating the Southern Cross of St. Andrew Flag at Gettysburg College, John
Sims' "Art" is coming to the University of Richmond, Virginia, Marsh Art Gallery from Oct. 25 - Dec. 12, 2004.
"The exhibit presents a group of more than 40 contemporary artists whose diverse works are constructed from, refer to, and/or illustrate mathematical concepts and principles." 804-289-8276 for information Oct. 14, 2004
The Money !
City of Gettysburg taxpayer cost associated with John Sims' desecration of the Cross of St.
Andrew Flag on the campus of Gettysburg College, inside the Schmucker Gallery, was well over $35,000.00 for
extra security as reported by a ranking city official. If we assume the low cost of $35,000.00, and the College reimbursed
taxpayers $15,000.00, that leaves a difference of $20,000.00 to be paid by citizen taxpayers and merchants of Gettysburg
City. Please remember we believe $35,000.00 is a low estimate.
Oct. 12, 2004
Gettysburg College and Gettysburg City Officials apparently continue to support John Sims and
his blasphemous behavior and desecration against the Flag of St. Andrew, the Apostle of Jesus. It is interesting
to remember Jesus was crucified, and now the emblem of his Apostle is likewise crucified with complicity of Gettysburg
College and the town of Gettysburg. The words of Jesus seems appropriate, " Forgive them Father, for they know
not what they do."
We have been told John Sims is privately angry with the College and City of Gettysburg and spoke
of burning and mocking the State Flag of Pennsylvania in public retaliation for not being allowed to [ execute ] "hang"
the Cross of St. Andrew Flag outside the school library on a 13 foot gallows. ( Notice the significance of "13" on the
first picture on the retail clothing link below.) The collective behavior of Gettyburg community has sent a loud message
and continues to enraged tourists across the county. We are hearing more talk of boycott as Gettysburg
continues to insult tourists and historians.
We have been told John Sims' Gettysburg publicity is calculated to reflect and improve sales
of an associated retail clothing line based on a theme of desecrating and "Africanizing" the Southern Flag image.
Oct. 11, 2004
"John Sims will bring a tombstone bearing this message to Gettysburg
"Confederate battle flag: 1861 - Sept. 3, 2004."
and bury [ in the dirt ] the flag he hung last month in Schmucker
Art Gallery."
We are in contact with Gettysburg College and Gettysburg City Government. John Sims has deliberately
placed both the College and City in a very difficult political position that will become worse everyday. It is
a no win, no reward situation for them with eventual boycott of Gettysburg Merchants by outraged tourists. John Sims
is running his political activist hate show and pulling the strings of College and City management. We are working
on the developing story.
Oct. 9, 2004
We received advance information from a person
inside the administration section of Gettysburg College, close to College President Katherine H. Will,
that the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania law firm of NcNees, Wallace and Nurick, LLC. was
directed by Gettysburg College to investigate the www.gettysburgboycott.com website with the purpose of removing "the offensive writing" from the internet. We instructed our law
firm to contact NcNees, Wallace and Nurick, LLC. in Harrisburg before they had knowledge that we knew
they were legally moving against the website. They were surprised to hear from
our law firm. The Intellectual Property Attorney with NcNees, Wallace and Nurick,
LLC. found legal fault with the photograph of College President Katherine
H. Will on the www.gettysburgboycott.com website next to the photograph of a homosexual student in drag costume, next to mathematical artist John Sims wearing sunglasses while sitting on a high stool. Their Intellectual Property
Attorney said the photograph of Katherine H. Will was copyrighted and we couldn't use it. We will respond with a letter
asking for proof of copyright.
Sons of Confederate Veterans, purchased billboards in and around Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania. We are told, Mr. John Sims has in the past expressed his art,
Africanized and desecrated in other ways, the State Flag of Pennsylvania, the Star of David - Flag of Israel - taken
from his website and shown below, the United States Flag and other honorable flag symbols. We are privately
told he will vehemently deny his actions and involvement as he has in the past. We are now attempting to collect
"While artist John Sims’ work is understood as a desecration
to some, to others it represents a creative and healing transformation. In a free and open
society, all people have the right to express their views. [Gettysburg College] - all such
colleges offer provocative ideas and events that stimulate criticism, self-reflection, and engagement in the issues of the
world. Controversy in such activities is inevitable. As President of Gettysburg College, I affirm clearly
and strongly our collective commitment to freedom of expression and artistic integrity." Katherine H. Will,
President, Gettysburg College
Never forget Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Community and why they deliberately
with forethought and malice committed the despicable act of desecration against our beloved Southern Flag, the Cross
of St. Andrew. This memory will live in infamy.
--Africanized Confederate Flag--
Gettysburg College, Katherine H. Will, President
Gettysburg Borough, William Troxell, Mayor
John Sims and Gettysburg College acted together to desecrate the emblem of the South, the Southern Flag. They
called it "art" and hung the Confederate Flag on a gallows with an execution rope. The town of Gettysburg
was complicit in the desecration of the Flag for they did nothing to stop the desecration. They said, "we
can't help you." It was not just Gettysburg College it was also the town.
After investigating John Sims we cannot find legitimate academic credentials to support his standing in
mathematics and art as he has presented himself. His employer company, The Ringling School of Art and Design was
formed by John and Mable Ringling of Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus.
"Phineas Taylor Barnum, American showman who is best remembered for his entertaining hoaxes and for founding the circus that eventually became Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. He established "The Greatest Show on Earth," a travelling amalgamation of circus, menagerie and museum of "freaks."
The town of Gettysburg and Gettysburg College supports the work of
John Sims, brilliant artist, educator and political activist from Detroit.
"The Confederate Flag Hanging event will continue as scheduled at Gettysburg
(click above for more "Words of Katherine
H. Will")
John Sims' "The Fallen Cross"
symbolizing the fall of Christianity,
a desecration of the holy Christian cross,
a desecration of the beloved cross of St. Andrew, also called the Southern Confederate flag.
When you hear men speak of the Cross of St. Andrew know they speak of the crucifixion cross of the apostle Andrew, the Apostle of Jesus the Christ, "the diagonal cross on which the Apostle of Jesus the Christ, Andrew had been crucified and martyred. The Saint Andrew cross is one of the oldest and most honorable national flags of all, dating back at least to the 12th century. We believe only a "political correct" mindset with a personal agenda and/or ignorance of history would allow a person to denigrate and attack the character or reputation and speak ill and defame the beloved Flag, the emblem of the South.
Click on and read the history of the "Confederate Flag."
The John Sims' modified Flag of the Hebrew people.
The red and black Star of David, the ensign of the Nation of Israel.
"In a free and open society, all people have the right to express their views. Controversy in such activities is inevitable. While Artist John Sims' work is understood as a desecration to some, to others it represents a creative and healing transformation. Moreover, it is especially appropriate for Gettysburg College to host this exhibit." Katherine Haley Will JEWISH CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS SLEEPING AT HEBREW CEMETERY, RICHMOND.
"The LAMBDA Alliance was founded at Gettysburg College on Valentine’s
Day, 1985. The group is now identified as Allies. The group is open to both students and faculty of all sexual
orientations. Allies hosted a Dance and Drag Show Fundraiser on 2/9/02. It was Gettysburg College's
first drag show. The "Safe Zone" sticker above is adhered to the doors of Gettysburg College professors,
staff members, departments, and students to identify those "friendly" to homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexuals. Homosexual websites are endorsed and encouraged by Gettysburg College." Please click on the pictures.
"Lambda - the craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and
lamboid sutures of the skull."
Confederate homosexual style Rainbow Flag
College President Katherine H. Will
supports Sims' "Art" and called the experience
"fascinating." "The exhibit displays Confederate (the Cross of St. Andrew) battle flags, but in the colors of the African
liberation movement (green, red and black), along with other colors. One hangs next to voting booths used in Florida for the
2000 presidential election. And across from them is the Confederate Flag dolled up drag-style on
fuchsia satin
with a white feather boa and silver spangly stars -- a collaboration between Sims and a [gay] friend."
July 3,
When the order was given to forward, the color bearer and guard consisting of Color Bearer William M. Lawson, Sergeants Pat Woods, Theodore R. Martin, Corporal John Q. Figg, and Private Willie Mitchell moved four paces to the front of our line and kept in their position with their Flag until one after the other was shot down. Halfway to the stone fence Willie Mitchell was wounded, but he kept the Flag high and moved on and on. About one hundred yards further, 16 year old Willie Mitchell was killed and fell. Theodore R. Martin lifted the flag but was shot down. Pat Woods was shot and fell. John Q. Figg was shot down as the line came close to the stone fence. William M. Lawson had his right arm blown off, and the Flag fell from his hand among the dead and dying. J. R. Polak attempted to raise and secure the Flag, but was also shot. Those that were able now fell back and the Flag remained on the ground near the angle of the stone wall. Sixteen year old Willie Mitchell was a member of Company D., having joined that company in December, 1862, at the battle of Fredericksburg. He was the son of John Mitchell, the "Irish Patriot," and had just finished his course at the University of Paris. Bill M. Lawson, the Gettysburg color bearer, now sleeps with 17,000 other honorable sons of the south at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. We love, respect and cherish their memory. The 24th Virginia was one of two units that retained their Flag. There were no better men, none more honorable than Sergeant Martin, John Q. Figg, young Willie Martin, Sergeant Pat Wood, the Irishman and Bill Lawson, keepers of the Flag, the Cross of St. Andrew. CLICK ON Gettysburg Dead FOR NEXT PAGE
1. United States
2. Paris ILe-de-France
3. Cambridge, England
4. Canada
5. Japan
6. Budapest, Hungary -
Note: "As an active participant in the global math art movement,
Sims served as one of seven international curators for the Science in the Arts exhibition at the 1999 [United Nations]
UNESCO-ICSU World Conference of Science in Budapest, Hungary."
7. Chile
8. Bahamas
9. Canberra, Australia
10. Korea, Republic of (Seoul)
11. New Zealand
12. Lihue, Hawaii